Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Preparing For A Different Trip To The World

Usually when we trek down to the world, we only have to worry about two people...my husband and myself. We can choose where we are staying, where/when we will eat, get to the parks/leave the parks as early or as late as we want, etc. This year will be a little different. It will be the first time we are taking our son (who will be 17 months at the time) and my mom and step-father will be joining us as well. Adding 3 more personalities and 3 more needs/wants to the mix is going to make it a different trip. And one of the biggest personalities in the bunch is my little man who is right now 15 months going on 15 years!

First and foremost, I am sure there are many people out there who are saying we are crazy for bringing a 17 month old to Disney. I can hear you all now... "He won't remember anything.", "Why are you wasting your money.", yadda yadda yadda. Believe me people, I KNOW that he won't remember anything. We are DVC members and for all your DVC people out there, you know that you can only bank your points for a year and then you lose them. We banked our points last year since our son was born in the spring, so we are in a use them or lose them year. And truthfully, even if we didn't have to use our points, we would be going. I know he won't remember a thing, but we will be able to remember the look on his face when he sees Mickey. He flips when he sees him on TV or hears him on his CD, so I am sure that seeing him in person is going to be priceless. We will be armed with our cameras in hand and will have the memories for our lifetime!

We have a plan of attack and hopefully the plan will work out for us (but you know what they say about the best laid plans). We plan on trying to get up and to the parks when they open, be back at the pool (We are staying at the Beach Club Villas...can't wait for the sand bottomed pool!!) in the hot afternoons and hopefully my son will nap by the pool or in the room. Then we will have an earlier than we are used to dinner and try to enjoy some of the night time activities that the parks have to offer. Sounds great, right? Problem is, ever time I picture this all in my head, I picture my son smiling one second and then throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the parks the next. I am PETRIFIED that I am going to be "that mom" that I swore I would never become...the one with the screaming kid in the middle of the park that everyone pities. So, if there are any seasoned Disney Moms out there that have an suggestions or words of encouragement for me, please let me know...my son won't be tall enough, so I would have to abandon him to get onto Splash Mountain and find my "laughing place".

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